5 Ways Horse Owners Stay Motivated This Winter
5 Ways Horse Owners Stay Motivated This Winter
Equetech | January 29 2025Winter can be the less-than-perfect time to be a horse owner. Months of winter weather can feel exhausting, but by following these tips, you'll be so busy you won't have time to reconsider your life choices! Here are five ways horse owners can stay motivated this winter.
- Set Realistic Goals: Winter can be harsh on motivation, especially being outdoors in freezing cold temperatures and driving rain and wind! Setting small, achievable goals for your training sessions can help keep you focused. Whether it's riding a certain number of times per week, working on a specific skill or lunging your horse in a new training aid as recommended by equine rehabilitation specialists, breaking down your objectives into manageable tasks can give you a sense of accomplishment in your winter training. For example, aim to ride twice a week or dedicate some time to doing groundwork exercises and pole work to build up your horse's core strength when the ground is too hard or icy to ride.
- Buddy Up: Banishing those winter blues by riding with a friend can make winter basic training sessions much more enjoyable. Coordinate with horse owners in your area or at your barn to ride together. This adds a social element to your routine, is fun for the individual horses, and encourages you to ride at an actual time each week and create a lesson plan for you all. Planning sets of exercises you can all manage is a fun activity. Be inspired by watching training videos or asking the equestrian community for some tips. There's no doubt that social riding activities will make you more likely to get out there despite the cold weather.
- Embrace Indoor Activities: When the weather is particularly harsh, consider alternative activities to keep you and your horse engaged. This could include trying new groundwork for building strength or hiring an indoor arena to try out that canter diamond exercise you have been reading about and the chance for an outing in the horse box and a ride under cover from the elements. Even spending extra time grooming and bonding with your horse is valuable.
- Dress for Success: As an equine enthusiast, you need to invest in quality winter riding gear that keeps you warm and comfortable. Heated gloves, warm thermal layers, and waterproof winter riding coats can make a huge difference in your willingness to ride in cold weather. Feeling comfortable, warm and dry will help you enjoy your time with your horse more and reduce the urge to cut your riding short.
- Plan for Spring: Use the winter months to prepare for spring by focusing on fitness and conditioning exercises for you and your horse. This proactive approach benefits riders of all levels. Not only does an action plan help keep you motivated, but it will improve your combined strength and straightness and put you on track for a successful riding season when warmer weather finally arrives. Visualising the fun activities you want to do in the spring can reignite your excitement and motivation during the colder months.
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