

Unravelling the Mystery of Tweed

History of tweed Tweed was originally developed in the Outer Hebrides, it was created by crofters that used the wool from their sheep, to shield them from the brutal Scottish winters.  Tweed was exceptionally popular with farmers and land owners when they were over seeing their lands as it was warmer, comfortable and to an extent waterproof.  They would use their ‘Hack’ to ride and check over the estate, hence the hacking jacket. Tweed is in fact a typo made by a Merchant in London, the Scottish actually referred to it as ‘tweel’, which stems from the Scottish word for twill due to the structure and manner in which it was made. But the Londoner had no clue about this and thought the nam...

Staying Warm and Dry in Winter with Equetech 

Fundamentally staying comfortable, warm and dry, whilst riding and doing yard duties in our British climate, is at the top of our list of priorities for most horse riders heading into Autumn and winter! We discuss top tips with British Equestrian Brand designer, Liz Hayman.  "It is simple, but many of us get it wrong!  If you’re heading to the yard, waterproof gear is essential, especially in the UK. Whether you are training or competing, outdoor weather can be unpredictable! Waterproof and breathable fabrics will keep you dry and comfortable, which we can all agree is pretty important in horse riding. With this in mind, we have created a comprehensive guide on waterproof versus water-resistant, as well on tips...

Championship Styling!

In this blog, we glean some tips from Liz Hayman, MD of British equestrian clothing brand Equetech for her top tips on making the right impression when it comes to your outfit, regardless of the equestrian discipline. "Dressage Queen If you're looking to impress the judges as you head down the centre line, then make sure you create a fantastic first impression by having a neat and tidy appearance. A well-fitted jacket not only looks aesthetically pleasing, but it will make you feel more confident and allow you to focus on your riding if it's comfortable and non-restrictive. I spend a considerable amount of time researching technical fabrics for our clothing and competition wear is no exception. I look for fabric p...

Made for Men – Men's Breeches & Jodhpurs Guide

So we asked our Designer Liz Hayman for her tips on finding the best breeches for guys... "Men look great in a competition jacket, shirt or blouson. But all of the above are nothing if your bottom half looks a bit neglected. They are the connection to the saddle, the supportive and protective layer. The most important part of your riding attire… Men’s Breeches." "Essentially, you need great breeches to perform your best in the saddle, and it’s trickier than you might think. To help you get your men’s breeches spot on, we’ve given you our buyers guide on all things breeches, to give you the final word on fabric, colour, quality, fit and discipline. You should never settle for po...

The History of Equestrian Underwear

Most horse riders don't really think about their foundation wear in detail. It's still a fairly taboo subject to talk about equestrian underwear for riders, and in most cases we just suffer in silence! This latest blog talks about how underwear has developed across the centuries and what horse riders can expect from equestrian underwear today!  The first simplest form of underwear was probably the loincloth, although Ameila Bloomer first created the ladies bloomers, in 1849. The body of Ötzi the Iceman, who died in the Tyrolean Alps more than 5,000 years ago, sported a loincloth, made from goat skin, under his furry leggings! The underwear served many purposes as well as used as additional layer t...

An Essential Guide On What To Wear In The Show Ring

Want to catch the judges’ eye for all the right reasons this showing season? Transform your showing outfit into a winning look, fit for HOYS with these awesome top tips from our MD & Designer, Liz Hayman.  Win Best Turned Out Wearing the right clothing for the show ring will ensure you look professional. Giving the correct first impressions to the judges is crucial, but this doesn't mean that you have to rush out and buy a whole new outfit! At lower levels, show judges tend to be more lenient on correct dress codes so while a tweed show jacket is traditionally correct, a smart black or navy competition jacket will equally suffice. Colour Choices Choosing the right colour can make the d...

20 essentials for your Horsebox!

We have all done it, got to a competition, maybe even running late, and we have started looking for something we 'need' only to realise we have left it at home! Often we can find someone parked up nearby that is kind enough to lend us whatever it is we have forgotten to pack, sometimes it's a quick last minute dash to the on site tack room, but don't get caught short again - check out our list of 20 essentials every Horsebox should have packed in it! 1. First Aid Kit. A well stocked first aid kit for both you and your horse is a must, hopefully you will never need to use it but just incase it's better to be safe than sorry. 2. Fresh water and water buckets. For washing off your horse after your competition and of c...

Keeping Warm Whilst Competing This Winter

With more and more venues running competitions throughout the year, winter competing obviously brings about a different set of problems to those experienced during the summer months, most notable is how to stay warm. Thankfully, today's technology has created some amazing insulating fabrics with excellent thermal properties. The style, design and cut of competition clothing coupled with the rules of the competition venue or affiliate regarding competition attire, limits your ability to add layers for warmth. So, what to wear without the expense of two competition wardrobes; one for winter and one for summer without looking 2 clothes sizes bigger in the winter? Invest in good quality thermal underwear. Equetech's Arctic Thermal...

Showing Tips with Sponsored Rider and Top Show Horse Producer Helen Newbold

With the showing season in full swing and many chasing down qualifications to championship shows, Equetech sponsored rider Helen Newbold has kindly agreed to share some of her showing tips. As a ROR panel judge and top show horse rider and producer, Helen's knowledge and turnout of not only her horses but herself is exemplary. Helen says "It's always important to make an impression for all the right reasons as soon as you enter the ring. However most of the hard work begins at home and the actual day of the show is the culmination of all those hours of training, polishing, trimming, tidying etc. The weather won't always be your friend and your horse may not be particularly on side that day but always make an effort for y...

Get Dressage Championship Competition Ready

Blood, sweat and tears have been shed in getting your horse fit, healthy and competition ready. Your trainer has pushed you to you and your horses' limits and wonderfully the hard work has paid off. Your tenacious efforts have gained you that much sort after qualification to your riding club championship/British Dressage Regionals/Nationals/ Area Festivals. Having been out competing to obtain your qualification you may feel your competition outfit now looks a bit tired, your breeches are no longer bright white or you may just desire something special or unique to compete in. There are many ways to alter or refresh your competition outfit; the most cost effective and easiest way would be to change your accessories. Why not invest in a...

The Working Rider, How to Fit Riding in to Your Life.

According to government statistics the average weekly working hours for full time workers is 37.5 hours a week, feels like much more doesn't it! So, if you are a full time worker with a passion for horses, how do you fit riding in to your life? As a horse owner, finding the time to juggle a full time job and look after your horse(s) which is essentially an extremely fulfilling but unpaid part time job is definitely not easy, especially if you have a long suffering non-horsey partner. Whether you are a leisure rider or competition rider, your beloved equine will always come first. Those precious moments with your horse make those 5am starts so you can ride before work mostly worthwhile or so you convince yourself! Your colleagues stru...

What to Pack for a Riding Holiday

We live in an era where travelling to civilised or even not so civilised parts of the world is relatively easy. This ease of travel has seen an increase in worldwide riding holidays from those wishing to experience the joy of beach riding, sedate or perhaps not so sedate trail riding or for those with an inner cowboy/cowgirl wanting to experience the thrill of ranching. But, how do you pack for the riding holiday of your dreams? After all, no one wants to lug around a huge suitcase crammed full of riding gear! As the holiday suggests, you will probably be logging many hours in the saddle and no one wants their holiday ruined by those cursed saddle sores or chafed areas! So, in order to avoid the misery of a sore rear, comfortable padded...